This is a demo store. No orders will be fulfilled.

Payment types, prices and VAT

All prices on include VAT and are calculated from € as the base currency. operates with differentiated VAT, this means that the VAT rate can vary from country to country . This can also result in a difference from when you first see a price to when you when you enter your shipping address and country. The correct price is shown when the shipping country is entered.
Note that these VAT rules does not apply to freight rates.


We currently offer 2 payment options Credit Card/MobilePay & Paypal.

Credit cards

We accept the following card types:

  • Visa
  • MasterCard

Online payment by card

When paying by credit card the amount will be deducted when the order ships out from our warehouse in The Netherlands. All credit card payments are paid via a secure and encrypted SSL (Secure Socket Layer). This means that your card information can not be read by outsiders. When you shop with a crebit card, we reserve the right to check whether the personal information that is given is true. We can always write down the amount paid - if, for example. a product is sold out or not desired anyway. But for security reasons we can NEVER increase the approved amount.


When paying by Paypal you will be redirected to paypal where you can pay with your Paypal account.